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Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

There are some scary things in our world today, but none is more scary than an addiction to drugs and alcohol.  It’s a growing problem in our society, and alcohol and drug addiction has become a tough nut to crack, so to speak.  Drugs and alcohol make people feel...

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Many people don’t really consider alcohol a drug.  After all, it is legal to drink – as long as you’re of age.  But the real truth is that alcoholism is a form of drug addiction just as serious and harmful as addiction to other drugs.  Because alcohol is legal to...
Books on Drug Addiction

Books on Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is the subject of many books that are out on the market today.  When you have an epidemic that so many people suffer from like drug addiction, writers often make that epidemic the subject of their books in the hopes that they will be able to help people...
Causes of Drug Addiction

Causes of Drug Addiction

Why do some people choose to use drugs when they’re so bad for you?  The causes of drug addiction are as varied as the amount of drugs that are available for use – both legally and illegally.  There is no one cause for drug addiction just like there is no consistent...