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To many people, fear is a part of life. Not the

typical, well-known and talked about fears like

claustrophobia and hypochondria, but the fears that

keep you from going after the job you know would make

you ecstatically happy.


Our own self-esteem issues can keep us from taking

steps that could help us make the big step from being

a paralegal to a lawyer, or an online writer from

penning a book.


We are often our own worst enemy. Negative self talk

keeps us in our comfort zone. The fence that surrounds

our comfort zone is our fears. Some fences are bigger

than others, but fences nonetheless.


Take the time to think about what would make you

happy. Clue: it is not something you can buy!


Is it a promotion in the field you are presently in,

or something totally different?


Will it require you to go back to school?


Is it marriage?


Start with a written list of exactly what you are

looking for; looking for a mate who is a Christian?


Visit different churches or Church dinners. Life can

be just what happens to you; living is those

purposeful steps you make to make your passion happen.


Think about what you are afraid of. Do this when you

are alone and can think without interruption. Be

honest about your feelings.


Why are you afraid of that?


Where do those feelings come from?


What is the worst that could happen to me if I faced

this fear head on?


Will you die, or will you come out knowing that you

faced a fear that will forever change your life?